
Monday, March 19, 2012

The leftovers of a sweater Part 2- No sew long "socks"


  This post feels so out of place with such beautiful weather around! But for those you that are waiting for one more cold snow day (really? is there someone like that?? haha) than keep this in my mind for your last winter outfit! This spring-like weather seems too good to be true!

But I promised to post what else you can do with the leftovers of a sweater-mostly the sleeves- if you decided to make a skirt out of it (see post here!) Before I made mine into pants for my little girl, I slipped them on my leg to see what they would look like as long socks and loved it! I have no pictures of myself but this is a NO SEW self-explanatory idea! You can probably use any size sweater or even use your man's old sweater if you want a more "slouchy" sock look! This is even better than the sock because you don't have to stuff your jeans into the socks!

Cut the sleeve off at the very beginning and try on over your jeans or tights, with the cut part hidden in your boots and the finished part will be at your calf. You can than measure and cut again if you want them to be shorter (depending on the height of your boots) or you can just fold them! 


Don't you just love this look? I love that it is so versatile and you can really make it your own! 

Happy Monday!

Monday, March 12, 2012

The left overs of a sweater... Part 1

   It might be a sickness that hasn't taken flight yet into an obsession (like hoarders??) but I find it hard to throw away scraps. After every project I do, I look at the pretty (and not so pretty) leftover fabric and think I can find a place for it. Even the small pieces get the excuse of fabric flowers or doll clothes! (excuse which, in most cases, has yet to become truth!)

Recently I made a sweater skirt out of an old sweater and this is what I had left over...

 Not much right? but I hesitated.. I kept looking at the sleeves and looking at them. They looked just like tights but a tiny size. So I did it. I made them into pants for my little girl. I'm so happy with the way they turned out! They are versatile and comfy and warm in these cooler days of March. 

Super adorable right?? The pants are cute too ;) Sorry, it's hard not to mention that at least once! I love her so much!

Here's how you make a pair for your little angel! (I think a boy can even pull these off!Why not?)

 1. Lay a pair of pants on top of the sleeves to measure where to cut them. I think that these sleeves are long enough for up to a 4 year old (just a guess) The larger the sweater, the possibility of getting a bigger size out of it.
I didn't take a picture of mine but I professionally drew this picture so you would understand where to cut :) Cut at the dotted line, leaving a little room to fold down and sew an elastic band.
2. Cut down the inside of both sides. Again, measuring with your child's pants to check how low the crotch should be so that they won't be low rise pants!

3. Turn inside out and pin the opening together all around. It will look kind of like a half circle. Than sew. 

4. Keep them inside out and flip down the top of your pants the width of your elastic band. Pin and sew around, leaving a little gap for the elastic to be threaded. 

5. Measure the elastic on your child's waist or from a pair of her pants and thread it through (I use a safety pin). Sew the tips together.
(NOTE: I forgot to leave a gap and decided to make a hole at the middle. The better way is to just leave a gap and thread from underneath! See an example here: step #6 )
 6. Close the gap. Done!

Comfy enough to climb walls and play in the rocks and still look cute while doing it! :)

For those of you with no one to make a pair for, I have another idea for those sweater scraps! See Part 2 coming soon!

Have a wonderful Monday! Its always the hardest day for me. I have to keep reminding myself to be happy! We are so so very blessed. To feel anything else but happiness is wrong...
So this is a reminder to those of you who need it! Much of you are going through tough trials and hardships and I'm praying for your comfort.
With love! Til next time...

 (linked up on Shwin & Shwin! Check it out- she makes the cutest clothes for her little girl!)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

DIY old sweater into sweater skirt!

Hello to all that are reading this!

As much as I can't wait until spring, I find myself trying to squeeze in the last winter-y clothes I can before they no longer can be worn. This Monday we had a snowfall that went on through the night. We woke up to a winter wonderland just enough to remind us that it is still winter. By noon, I was rushing to take the kids outside because our whole back yard had completely melted! That's just the kind of snow I like- Enough to enjoy its beauty but gone before you have to bear its wet coldness! :)

All that "winter-ness" (because we have been having beautiful warm-like temperatures) made me finally wear a sweater skirt that I actually made a while back! I can't wait to show it to you!

I bought the sweater at the thrift store because it was in very lightly used condition, I knew the brand name and the obvious one- it was a $1. :)

When I got home and tried it on, I realized why someone would give it away. It made me look very frumpy and did nothing for my figure! That is when I remembered a picture I saved on Pinterest and how it caused me to title it "sweater skirt! DIY?"
Check it out and other inspiration here: :)

Sweater (possibly in your size if you want it to be form fitting and larger if you like it not as tight)
Stretchy Elastic Band (proper name?)
Safety pin
Pins and a sewing machine 

1. Since my sweater was a small size, I cut it off at the very top where the sleeves start.
*hint* If this sweater was purchased with a skirt makeover in mind, I would have bought a bigger size and even a fun print! 

 2. Turn the "skirt" inside out and fold down the top. Make it a little wider than your elastic band. If you want this to be a mini, try it on. Measure accordingly, cutting off more material as needed.

 3. Pin it all around to ensure it stays straight as you sew!

4. Sew, removing pins as you go :) Leave an open space on the side to pull your elastic through.

5.  Measure the elastic band around your hips or waist (depending on how you plan on wearing it) at the tightness you will want the skirt. I measured at the hips a little tighter so I can wear it at the waist if I choose! (Not pictured)

6.  Pull the elastic through with a safety pin. Be careful not to lose the other end- you will have to start all over. :)

7. Remove safety pin and sew the two tips of elastic. Sew the open end again with the machine or by hand. Reverse and ready for wearing!

Excuse the photo quality of the outfit pics! I was anxious to get it out to you before it gets warm!

I hope you will make one! Better yet: make a few! I will definitely go bigger and bolder next skirt!

P.S. I made something great using the leftover sleeves! So keep yours and I'll post soon!

Hope you have a beautiful day and thanks for stopping by!