
Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Trouble with Dressing a Toddler (and an Oldie but Goodie Refashion)

I know you have seen this from me SO many times (from my first skinny tutorial, to my little guys pants remake) but I wanted to post these pictures mostly because she is just so stinkin' cute. :) 

What you don't see is the amount of coercing and bribing it took for her to put on these (now adorable) pants! She was adamantly against them for one reason: they weren't pink. Seriously. I begged her for days to wear them and finally asked that she wear them just for pictures and that she could change into pink pants right after I was done (secretly hoping she would forget). She agreed and she didn't forget. As soon as the "photo shoot" was done, she dropped them like they were hot. lol. I want to laugh at the silliness of her current "only pink pants" protest but I am hoping it's over soon. There are so much cute things in her closet just waiting to be worn... 

 (For a more detailed tutorial, see my first skinny refashion!)

It literally took me 10 minutes from start to finish (if not less!) Now if only she'd wear them before they get too short!

Are you anticipating the week winding down to the weekend as much as I am?? Have a great one...