
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

DIY Ruched Fabric Headband Tutorial (Remake)

 Hello friends!

I recently found a dress at Goodwill that was in the same print as one of my FAVORITE skirt (made by H&M) and I had to buy it. I didn't know what I would do with it. Maybe wear it too?? But then I noticed the cute trend of matching your headband to your skirt and thought that would be so fun to remake my old headband into this beautiful floral! 

Using an old foam headband I never wear, this tutorial turned out sooo easy! Finished it while baby napped, even taking the time to record it AND make a video! Whattttt. :) No post for almost a year, I count this as a win! haha 

Let me know what you think!!! Also, if you're not subscribed to my YouTube Channel, I would be so happy if you would! I am enjoying the other aspect of this blog and being able to share my tutorials in video form (even though I still have a lot to learn!)

You can also watch the video here: 

Hope to make more of these soon! I have about 20 projects that I have actually recorded and hope to find the time to edit and post them!

With Love, 
