
Monday, March 11, 2013

Glittered DIY Belt - Belt Series #3

Glittered Belt - Series #3

I have been M.I.A. I guess I should say, I have been missing in inaction, if that makes sense! Truth be told, I haven't felt very inspired lately and had sort of a writers block of "DIY". 

It felt awfully empty not doing something creative on a regular basis! I'm glad to be back, even if it is this super easy project! 

I name this Belt Series #3 because of the previous #1 and #2 projects using old or thrifted belts! I hope you have been searching for belts and saving them up! Or you own a belt that could use sprucing up?? 

Here's what you'll need:

 (and a clear sealer that I forgot to picture!) 
Here's how to make the Mod Podge: Pour a bottle of Elmer's liquid glue into a container. Using the same bottle, fill half way with water. (2:1 ratio of glue to water). Mix. That's it! (Did I mention its half the price too?)

  •  Lay down a sheet of wax paper for easy clean up and to gather the left over glitter. 
  •  Paint over the belt with Mod Podge using the paintbrush.     Make sure to cover all area.
  • Pour glitter generously over the belt. Don't worry- you will save all the glitter that doesn't stick. 
  • Let set for about 15 minutes. Than tip it sideways letting all the access fall off. Don't brush it off and don't touch it. Tempting, I know..  

Spray over the whole belt with a clear sealer outside or a well ventilated area. (not pictured - I used Valspar Clear Sealer Gloss). Spray it well but not too close. After it dries,  spray it once more to insure the glitter stays. Let stand 24 hours.
Ready to wear!


On another note, how do you feel about stripes and floral?? Cute or just goofy? (My husband sides with the latter!) I am totally loving it now for some odd reason and it worked out perfect with my DIY peplum tank from last year.

I am totally ready for spring! It feels like spring is just around the corner now. Super excited. 

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

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