
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

DIY Panel Insert for Too-Small Tee (Athletic Wear)

(Obviously I am not used to sporty attire and/or sporty poses! More awkward photos below!! haha)


Sportswear is really huge lately! And I am all for it. There's nothing more motivating to start working out than to buy some cute work-out clothes! But why buy it when you can make it?? :-D

A long time ago, while I was cleaning out my husband's closet, I found a neon safety vest that he needed to have at some point. Instead of tossing it, I instantly thought about how to reuse it. I LOVED the color! By adding this color and material to a stretchy tee, it becomes very "athletic" and has a sporty feel to it. So, that's exactly how I wore it. You know, with tights, lounging at home ;) Haha but I had an excuse at the time...I was pregnant :-D

It wasn't until recently a crazy friend of mine invited me to try a very physical sport (one where you actually have to run around and DO something) and I got to try out this top. It worked perfectly! It was so comfortable, breathable and held up very well. Here is the simple insructions on how to make your own!

(Like I mentioned above, I made this when I was pregnant.. Let that be self explanatory to why I forgot to take step by step pictures too! I'm sorry!)

It is very simple:

1. Turn your stretchy tee inside out. This works best if the tee is a bit tight on you..

2. Cut off the side sewn hem right after the factory edge. Cut up until the sleeve. (Do not cut into the sleeve!) Try to cut as close to the edge as you can.

3. Measure the length from your arm pit to the bottom of the tee and cut out your fabric in that length and in your desired width. (Don't go too wide because then the top, under the armpit, starts to tug too much) Mine was about 3 inches thick.

4. Keep your shirt inside out. Lay your strip of fabric right side down on the cut edges. Start pinning the fabric around the edges of your tee, starting at the bottom so your hem line matches up. (I kept the factory edge from the neon vest) **This is hard to explain but easy to do if you visualize that the sewn edge needs to be inside your tee so that it looks clean on the outside.

5.  Once you reach the top of your shirt (right under the sleeve) just pin it straight along the top. Since it is a stretch fabric it will stretch to your needs!

These are pictures of another shirt refashion (I still need to finish) with a triangle shape instead of a rectangle. This works great too but make sure your triangle is equal on both sides. In other words, don't wing the shape. Measure and cut it straight.The imperfections will be visible!

Here's to looking sporty-chic, even if its just at home :)

Flashback to the prego belly!!

Don't have a mesh vest?? Don't worry: this DIY is very flexible! You can use any type of fabric you want for the panel inserts as long as it has some stretch to it. This is great to expand a tee that's too snug too. Other ideas I would love to try: floral or lace!

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any questions, ask away!


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